During its 20 years of operation, The Children's Hospital Foundation has implemented a large number of significant projects, which still continue to help children to recover and improve their quality of life!
- the Sunny Days library has been set up for the hospital patients;
- redecoration has been done in the Admissions; Surgery & Oncology; Ear, Nose & Throat;
- the Parents' House of the Children's Hospital has been renovated, as well as its daily operations have been ensured (a possibility be near the child without having to live in the hospital ward);
- Hydrotherapy unit at the Gaiļezers site of the Children's Hospital has been renovated and equipped;
- New premises have been set up and equipped at the Haemato Oncology in-patient unit and day in-patient unit;
- Computer and Internet access is provided for children and their parents;
- for many CCUH patients medical treatment abroad has been paid for, as well as rehabilitation ensured for the patients;
- further education and exchange of experience has been supported for many CCUH nurses and doctors;
- toys, games and books have been supplied for children;
- furniture and equipment has been procured for children;
- numerous events and concerts have been organised to cheer up the little patients;
- the CCUH Pedagogical Service work has been supported;
- in co-operation with the hospital staff, health care programmes have been created for various patient groups;
- the hospital's kitchen has been equipped, thereby ensuring more convenient and better quality catering for children;
- equipment, medication, special food has been procured – everything that children need to lead quality life at home;
- playrooms at hospital departments have been set up and equipped;
- possibility has been provided for children to get home and/or back to the hospital, if there has been such need;
- information materials have been drawn up both for children and their parents about different diseases and potential injuries;
- medical devices have been procured;
- social and psychological support has been provided to the child and the family;
- a special care programme for the very tiniest ones – prematurely born babies - The Safe Cape has been created;
- Children's Hospital Fund information centre has been opened;
- room for children with autism has been created;
- a playground for Children's Hospital patients with mental health and movement disorders in the Children's Hospital Gaiļezers has been opened;
- the project of creating Mothers` milk bank hase been started;
- modern prevention programme for teens who are dealing with computer, internet, mobile phone or substance addiction has been created.