Adolescent Resource Centre

The clients of the Adolescent Resource Centre between age of 10 and 18 years old. They most commonly have difficulty with:
- excessive use of computer or mobile phones,
- behavioural problems,
- emotional difficulties,
- difficulty communicating with peers or parents, and
- intoxication in peer-groups.
The Adolescent Resource Centre (PRC) is an evidence-based, modern approach to adolescent mental health prevention and addiction prevention, developed by the Children’s Hospital Foundation. The program of the Centre was developed by the specialists of the Children’s University Clinical Hospital in cooperation with international partners from Great Britain and Australia. The specialists include adolescent psychologists, psychotherapists, and physicians, as well as sports coaches and physiotherapists.
The Centre operates according to the principle of community-based assistance – to help the adolescent to avoid risks and reach his/her potential in the specific life situation rather than to punish or place in closed institutions.
PRC provides modern and multi-disciplinary support to adolescents subjected to addiction and mental health risks.
PRC services in person are available in Riga and Liepāja. Consultations are also provided remotely via Skype. PRC also works with teenagers in their neighbourhoods and gyms and offers sessions at its partners’ venues.
Find detailed information about PRC in its website
In its work, the PRC is guided by five basic principles:
- The services are teen-friendly and appropriate.
- The methods are evidence-based.
- A risk-reduction approach is applied.
- PRC acts as a multidisciplinary team.
- Both the teenager and the family are involved in all processes.
PRC services are available free of charge. They are available on a voluntarily and confidential basis.