New Premises for Children with Special Needs

New premises "A Pause" opened at the Gaiļezers site for children with special needs.
New premises "A Pause" have been opened at the Gaiļezers site for children with special needs. Children may stay here up to 45 days per year under the care of medical staff and pedagogues, thereby making the everyday life at least a bit easier for those parents who are taking care of a child with special needs. Social teachers, assistant nurses, special pedagogue, social worker and nurse will work at the centre.
The service "A Pause" is a support to families who are raising children up to 18 years of age having a disability or functional disorders. The purpose of "A Pause" is to provide a temporary 24/7 social care service to these children having a disability and grave functional disorders, thereby taking off the burden of the hard and demanding responsibilities of care and monitoring from the family and relatives. 45 days per year this service is provided by specialists of the Children's Hospital (social teachers, assistant nurses, special pedagogue, social worker etc.); in addition to taking care of the child, they also develop the child's self-care and social skills, help to establish social contacts, encourage children to take part in appropriate individual and group activities, as well as organise their leisure.
Child's parents and other family members receive support and practical advice about taking care, upbringing and educating the child, as well as in collaboration with the service specialists get involved in the creation and implementation of the social care plan for the child. The "A Pause" services can be integrated in a single programme with an earlier scheduled rehabilitation course if prescribed by specialists (physical therapist, speech therapist, ergo therapist, psychologist etc.).
"A Pause" is functional at the Children's Hospital since 2013 and on average provides services to 3 children per day; however, given the actual demand which is much higher, now new more suitable and comfortable premises have been found for the delivery and development of the service. The Children's Hospital is getting itself actively involved also in improving other services – permanent and professional staff is being organised, disabled children servicing issues are being addressed etc.