Natālija’s story continues, thanks to the enthusiasm of doctors and the support of contributors

Natālija is a 16-year-old young girl who likes reading books, dance, spending time with her friends, listening to music. Currently, Natālija is studying at Riga Purvciems Secondary School, but next year she plans to continue her studies in Riga 1st Gymnasium. Thinking about the future plans, the girl is considering to become a doctor — a cardiologist, as one of the options, but she has not decided yet, however, she is convinced that she will work in a profession where work is related to chemistry, biology, and people.
Natālija has already learned a lot about cardiology from her personal experience, because she has had heart problems from her early childhood. Last week, Natālija underwent a complicated surgery which in Latvia was performed for the first time, as a result of which her quality of life will improve and health risks will significantly reduce, including sudden cardiac arrest.
The surgery would not be possible without financial support of the contributors — 15 000 EUR were granted from the Children's Hospital Foundation for emergency cases, while 7000 EUR were donated by AS Olainfarm!
Cardiac surgeon Valts Ozoliņš, Head of the Cardiology Clinic of the Children's Hospital, says that at the age of one year, after the radical correction of congenital heart disease (Tetralogy of Fallot), a deficiency of the lung arterial valve developed that causes heart failure. Taking into consideration already two previously performed chest surgeries, it was decided to apply an innovative method — the implantation of the lung artery through the inguinal vein. In order to insert the valve into the lung artery, the invasive operations were divided into two stages. In the first stage, the lung artery was prepared by inserting the stent. Three months later this year on 4 June, a pulmonary artery valve was implanted into the inguinal vein under the X-ray. After the surgery the girl felt good and could walk the next day. Such surgery is performed for the first time in Latvia.
Now, Natālija needs to rest, as there is no safe feeling and enough strength yet, but she could go home on the third day after such a serious surgery. Natālija thinks that, when she returns to school, she will be able to participate in sports activities and will not get tired very quickly. During the summer, Natālija, as all pupils who have holidays, is planning to rest, spend time with her friends, meet her relatives and spend time at the summer cottage by the sea.