Children’s Hospital opened a Silent Room.
On the 8th of May, thanks to the support from the company Mikrotikls, the Children’s Hospital in Tornakalns opened the Silent Room. It was created for the parents and relatives of the children to find comfort, solitude, forgetting about the hospital routine, to do away with thoughts and emotions in a safe and quiet atmosphere, to acquire strength and inspiration, to pray and meditate – for everyone regardless of religion or confession and perception of the world. The sound of Kaspars Zemitis’ guitar at the opening ceremony created a meditative and calming atmosphere – just the same as the authors of the idea expected to offer to the children’s parents. An idea to make such a specific area was cherished much time ago, as up to now the parents had no isolated room where to stay in a quiet and comfortable environment. The authors of the room BB Studio, architects Dace Putnina and Marita Simane, as well as the representatives of the Children’s Hospital Foundation and the Children’s Hospital discussed for a long time how to create the room, meeting the parents’ needs within the hospital routine as much as possible. Hospitalization of a child is always a challenge for the parents, in particular, when the child suffers from a serious illness or if the parents have to survive the child’s death, therefore, our support is very, very important. Sometimes, the parents say that they needed just to cry, but not in the hospital ward in the presence of their child, that is why the Silent room is equipped with special chairs where the parents could isolate themselves from other visitors of the room.
Ieva Lejniece, Executive Director of the Children’s Hospital Foundation: „For the most of us the daily routine is a hurry, when we run by without paying attention to many things, and in a hospital everything changes, we have too much time and emotions, everything is new – but now we lack a very important possibility – to stay alone for a while or for a longer time in our own private space. The parents should be strong and cheering up to their children, responsible and conscientious to the doctors and medical personnel, but everyone, including the hospital personnel, needs their own space where we can be ourselves, as we really are, with our emotions, and to relax there even for a moment. We are really happy and satisfied with the greatest results we have reached together with the project team.”
Valts Abols, Chairman of the Board of the Children’s Clinical University Hospital:” “When the child falls ill, all thoughts and energies are devoted to his recovery. At this moment, it is emotionally and psychologically difficult not only for the family, but also for the hospital personnel. Every day we cooperate with nearly 1000 families, feeling empathy for each child. Sometimes, a moment of calmness is needed to a doctor, a nurse or other hospital persons in order to recover their inner strength and continue helping. Silence and peace play a special role in everyone’s life. Referring to the words of some author, silence is a place or state when nothing is told, but everything is clear. It is just the silence, which processes all matters and emotions. The Silent room is an invaluable benefit and support for each of us. We are sincerely grateful that, being supported by the donor and the Children’s Hospital Foundation, we can present such a gift for the 120th anniversary of the Children’s Hospital.”
The Silent Room is only one of the projects created thanks to the support from LLC Mikrotikls. In late 2015, the Children’s Hospital Foundation received from LLC Mikrotikls the largest donation during the entire history of the Foundation – 1 million euro, at the same time, in late 2017, the company donated to the Foundation 250 thousand euro more! The company’s support helped to implement numerous valuable ideas for 2 years, which have already noticeably improved conditions for medical treatment of the patients at the Children’s Clinical University Hospital, contributed to the improvement of knowledge and experience of the medical personnel, furthered implementation of the development projects important for the hospital. The largest amount of 297 252 euro was granted to Hematology-Oncology Department, properly equipping its premises to improve conditions for medical treatment of small patients accompanied by their parents at the hospital, contributing to the knowledge and training of specialists, and providing psychological support to the children’s parents and specialists of the Department. Some projects aimed at the medical treatment of oncology patients are being implemented now, including creation of a new playground and a recreation area namely for this group of patients. It is expected to be opened this summer.
Donations from LLC Mikrotikls were totally invested in the amount of 853 557.33 euro, implementing 17 projects and proceeding with 11 more projects, which are planned to be completed during this and next years. In a little while, the children will have new surgery pyjamas designed in cooperation with the local manufacturer HEBE, and the Day Patient Department of the Mental Health Clinic will be properly equipped to enhance therapy and reduce fear and anxiety before consulting a doctor. Support granted by Mikrotikls will help introduce a new type of therapy at the Mental Health Clinic of the Children’s Hospital – ABA therapy.